




[1] Cheng Z, Chen S, Ma Z,et.al. DOA Estimation of One-Bit Cross-Dipole Array Using Parallel Coarray[J]. Remote Sensing, Minor revision.(SCI 二区 第一作者)

[2] Cheng Z, Chen S, Xi F, et.al. Phase-only Beampattern Synthesis via Riemannian Newton Method[J]. IEEE IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. Under Review. (SCI 二区 第一作者)

[3] Cheng Z , Chen S , Shen Q , et al. Direction Finding of Electromagnetic Sources on a Sparse Cross-Dipole Array Using One-Bit Measurements[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8:83131-83143.(SCI 二区 第一作者)

[4] Chen S, Cheng Z, Liu C, et.al. A blind stopping condition for orthogonal matching pursuit with applications to compressive sensing radar[J], Signal Processing, 2019, 165, 331-342.( SCI 二区 第二作者 导师第一作者)

[5] Chen S, Cheng Z, Yang H, et.al. SubNyquist sampling with independent measurements[J], Signal Processing, 2020, 170, ( SCI 二区 第二作者 导师第一作者)

[6] 程智勇;陈胜垚;吴文;刘中.”基于原子范数最小化的单比特稀疏双极子阵列的波达角估计” 电波科学学报 :1-11[2022-09-07]. (中文核心,第一作者)

[7] 程智勇;陈胜垚;吴文;刘中.” 一种用于单比特稀疏双极子阵列波达角估计的协方差矩阵估计方法” 南京理工大学学报,2022,46(3):321-330. (中文核心,第一作者)